June 28, 2008


other than i feel lovely inside the kebaya (still i think the spoiled one) and the high heels , feel like no use wearing it, because i have to climb up and down that bloody hill. lebih2 lagi jalan licin kerana hujan baru turun dengan lebatnya. look up to the picture.. haha. those first three pictures was taken at my home, and the other pictures was taken by my younger brother. he helped me get through it while at the same time snapping some pictures of me.

my cousin (the husband) marrying the pretty girl upside the hill today. i'll update this, posting the pictures i've taken during the wedding.

FiNa :: "a bit memalukan but thank God i still look gorgeous and happy. hoho.. "

:: Sambutan Hari Bapa di Dewan Serbaguna kampung (sekali dengan shooting RTM - their last night here). nak bersiap pasni.
:: we're going to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow.. early at the morning.

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