2014 11th - 13th Feb. 2014 Main highlight : Terkinja-kinja di USS With Mr Husband 3D2N Teaser Accommodation : Tune Hotel Danga Bay, JB - 2 nights Day 1.0 : Arrived Senai Airport, Bujud Car Rental, Country Garden Danga Bay, Danga Bay Fun Fair, Hutan Bandar Bistro (Chicken Chop RM5), Pasar Karat (Bazar JB) Day 2.0 : Singapore - USS Day 2.1 :...
Previous entry : Tips & Trick Bajet ke USS Singapore 3H2M Tune Hotel Danga Bay 11-13 February 2014 (2 nights) RM118.00 including channel + 24 hours air-conditioning Booked via Tunehotels non refundable Pasal review hotel ni saya susun dekat list atas tapi tulis paling last so pandai-pandailah cari sorry kalau mengelirukan sikit. Sikit saja :P Bilik kami dapat RM88.19 untuk dua malam, tapi...
Baik, a little bit of tips katanya, tapi nampak macam panjang lain macam saja HAHA Trip ni almost a kejutan sebab tak pernah terfikir nak pergi cuma sebab tiket tengah murah so beli. Ceh macam beli tiket bas pula wakaka. Alang-alang dah murah lepas tu pernah terbaca dekat blog tentang USS dan biasa orang pergi USS nak jimat menginap dekat JB (aku tiap...
Day 3 : Johor Zoo Previous entry : Departing JB Erkkkk? Kata anda. Berapa lama sudah? Trip dari Februari, sekarang sudah Disember? Adakah anda bergurau Fina? HAHA Oh tidak saya tidak bergurau. Cuma, it's time for me to end what I started, itu sahaja okey sekian bye! Last tempat kami singgah, Zoo Johor. Ehhh adakah anda bergurau lagi sekali, Fina? Tiba-tiba pergi zoo....
Hari ketiga. Hari terakhir. Ehhh sekejapnya 3 hari saja tapi bila tulis dalam blog ambil masa berhari-hari, berpart-part. Macam ni wa jadi susah hati sikit nih. Lepas ni 9-10 days x 2 trip = Berapa tahun nak habis? BUT, apart from it, I am still on the planning process. Writing the reviews in the blog? It is still too far from my concern...
So lepas dua kali round USS, akhirnya kami keluar for good. Kaki dah lenguh, jom ambil angin dekat luar pula. Suasana sekeliling dah lengang. Orang ada sikit-sikit saja. Tidak sebanyak waktu mula-mula sampai pagi tadi. Jom ambil angin dekat hujung sana tu ;) Tengah duduk atas tangga Time to go. Bye! Ambik seat paling belakang sama macam waktu datang tadi. That night nothing...
FAR FAR AWAY. But not too far away. Lepas Ancient Egypt, akan jumpa The Lost World dulu baru jumpa Far-Far Away. Okey The Lost World. The Lost World contains many traditional attractions present in most Universal Studios parks around the world and is divided into two sub areas: Jurassic Park and Waterworld. Jurassic Park, based on the popular film franchise by Steven Spielberg...
Entrance gate, Hollywood, turn left to New York and walk a lil further just beside the subway, then you will find the SCI-FI CITY. Sci-Fi City is themed after what cities and metropolis may look like in the future, equipped with space-age technologies and the ultimate modern conveniences. Lots and lots of signboards around USS WELCOME TO THE SCI-FI WORLD *Robotic sound effect*...