Randomity at its best


May 28, 2016
I accidently signed up plan Celcom Internet Burung Hantu 10GB RM5 sahaja. Mobile internet habis quota sebab dah hampir tamat tempoh sebulan dan banyak spend time dekat luar these 1 month. Kalau di rumah, guna wifi saja. So habislah quota tersebut sebelum waktu. Dan malam ni tidur lewat, 2AM selesai tolong mak di dapur untuk catering majlis esok (yes i'm in ranau now)....


I'm just rambling

Entri Tiba-Tiba

February 14, 2016
Finally hitting 'new post' button on Blogger. Mimpi apa entah. Okey sebenarnya baru selesai siap kerja. Tidak pernah habis pun tapi decide yang lainnya setelkan besok. Rajin saya setakat 3AM tadi. Pastu tiba-tiba sedar saja eh tengah tulis blog? Helo blog. It's been few months already. Disember dan Januari langsung tiada update. It's not that I do not do anything, in fact, these...


Randomity at its best

Sometimes late at night.

September 19, 2015
I just finished my forever-tidak-pandai-habis-habis work so I think I want to stop by here just for a little 'hi'. Actually I intended to extend my blogging hiatus til October or lagi hebat til 2016 but tonight I just feel like writing so here I am. It's 1.33AM now and I should be sleeping sebab esok pagi supposed bangun awal to Kota Kinabalu...


Randomity at its best

My Korean Name is 하세니

April 26, 2015
Tiba-tiba kenangan ni lalu di fikiran. Many many years ago - sekitar 10 tahun yang lepas. OH SANGAT LAMA. Tapi saya ingat. Inilah guna ada diari. I can even tell you apa yang saya buat pada tahun 2001 petang tarikh 23 Oktober. Rujuk diari saja. Memang rekod tulis sangat banyak. Sekarang ni saja jarang merekod tapi thank you to myself I still blog...


Randomity at its best


March 05, 2015
These few days are the days when I really want to curse ikut suka usus. Ni lah habit yang sukar sangat nak buang. Saya curse banyak but just in real lifelah. Dalam blog tak tulis seketul-seketul. Mungkin kerana life, mungkin kerana selalu dengar, dan mungkin juga cursing with siblings and friends are fun. Yes you heard it right it's fun. I've come to...


Randomity at its best

we're all sims

February 27, 2015
Kah kah (- -") ...


Randomity at its best

The less you give a damn the happier you will

December 27, 2014
Indeed. Not giving a damn to even explain. Okeylah basically it means : The less you give a damn about what people think of you, the happier you will be. The less you compare yourself to others, the happier you will be. The more you are your authentic self — and don’t seek the approval of others — the happier you will be....


Randomity at its best


November 24, 2014
How could this simple ayat managed to give me goosebumps every time I look at it? ...


Randomity at its best

Some things gone forever

November 23, 2014
Sometimes, I want to stop the time. MEMORIES are killing me. ...


I'm just rambling

Kalendar Malaysia Cuti Sekolah 2015

August 31, 2014
I am sure ramai juga yang tengah cari ni so this might help. ;) ...