Blog is my drug!

17th October 2016

October 17, 2016
My blog header, my profile pictures.. Need to change. Profile picture sebelah ni dari, 2 years ago I think. Haha. Lamanya nda tukar langsung. I still remember I have a blog. Selalu nak update tapi nantilah nantilah sampai berbulan-bulan hampir makan tahun agaknya jika hari ni tidak spontan terbukak blog. Haha. Ni pun sekejap saja, sebab sekejap lagi kena bersiap got dinner date...


Please don't give up!


February 20, 2015
Berjuta kali aku dianiaya. Bertahun bersabar. How is it faking a smile dan sibuk berusaha melindungi diri sendiri. I am surviving. I am indeed FIGHTING to survive. And fighting to not judge myself by what others did to me. I have to keep telling myself, there is no excuse and it was not my fault because it's their choice not mine. I know...


Please don't give up!


January 24, 2015
Alhamdulillah these past few days kerja-kerja banyak setel (berangan pun banyak juga). But more task coming soon. Moga semuanya dipermudahkan. ...


Please don't give up!

Damaged soul

December 26, 2014
Another day I have to endure. As if semua yang saya lalui selama ini belum cukup menguji kesabaran. I remember very clearly when it all started. I just got back from a long tired day. I rushed since early morning to send things my mother asked me to buy, hantar kerana sudah kelewatan 2 hari. Balas customers yang dah balik-balik whatsapp dan email...


Please don't give up!

Sunday blues

December 14, 2014
Finally after more than a week of, entah, kerja outstation? Now I'm back to my dearie laptop. Yang sentiasa buat I happy sebab menyenangkan kerja, tahan lasak walaupun gedabak. Okey terimalah hakikat skrin besar lagi feel berbanding skrin kecil walaupun itu bermakna hari-hari terutama zaman kampus dulu kena angkat extra weight 2.5KG di bahu. Yang maskulin dan gagah perkasa kerana dari 16 June...


Please don't give up!

Semua orang perlu well-meaning-friends

November 22, 2014
      All my recent selfie pictures (ya macamlah ambil banyak sangat, berapa keping saja pun tu pun most of them end up deleted kahkah) are like this one. Grumpy and blank. If not silly faces. Baru-baru ni ada reunion dengan kawan-kawan back in school. Ya I purposely tidak sebut siapa dan dari sekolah yang mana sebab setakat itu saja yang saya...


Please don't give up!

Now I understand it clearly

November 21, 2014
I'd never believe this before. And I have this hell kind of attitude where I won't accept things I do not understand. But now I understand it clearly. :) ...


Please don't give up!

Oh 'roller coaster'

October 29, 2014
Helo here again. Siapa dah tengok latest Runningman ep.218? Kalau belum tengok cepat sebab best. Last 3-4 episode of Runningman for me adalah menyeronokkan. Lagipun my bias, Kwang Soo menang kali ni (ops spoiler). My other bias is Gary and Jihyo dan eh I like all the members lah but I think I prefer Kwang Soo's winning in individual race especially. Haha! Life...


Please don't give up!

Chess game. :)

October 19, 2014
"Dear John" Long were the nights when My days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps Praying the floor won’t fall through, again And my mother accused me of losing my mind But I swore I was fine You paint me a blue sky And go back and turn it to rain And I lived in your chess game But you changed the...


Please don't give up!

It's a, secret.

October 17, 2014
Kebetulan since last night I susun-susun entri caca merba I sejak 2006 into categories (bayangkan after years!) dan design link bergambar untuk bagi menarik dan kemas sikit. I love the outcome. Pastu tadi pula, saya cuba bersihkan drafts. Ada hampir 50 post semuanya dan kebanyakkannya adalah entri yang pernah dipublish tapi saya turn into draft long ago. Dalam fikiran saya, okeylah must be...


Please don't give up!

Bahagian aku.

June 27, 2014
Sedihnya ya Allah.. Oh Tuhan berikanlah akuuu kekuatan menempuhi dugaanmuuu.. Eceh sempat nyanyi pulak. Am now at library Ranau sorang-sorang siapa nak temankan meh tapi saya dah pulang lah ahaha. Wow rindunya menulis di blog. Tidak sangka I am still going strong here walaupun dah jarang-jarang, but I think I will never stop. Unless I stop breathing la. Will I end my story...


Please don't give up!

I think some thing in my life are falling apart but vatevahh

May 22, 2014
Sometimes I will have some weird nights where everything (but not literally everything) come back as a flashback. Dan bila benda-benda macam ni jadi, tidak sedar cari blog. Mula menaip balik. Hence, this entry. Not that I care much (maybe for some of it), but it brought me to where I am now and what I have now. I can't help but to...


Please don't give up!

To Love At All

October 18, 2013
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket...