should be LEAVING on time - ON A 'JET PLANE'

September 25, 2008

25 September 2008.

hari untuk pulang. hendak dikata hari yang malang, takla sgt. nak kata hari untung pun mmg tak. haha.. well..

pagi td terlewat bangun. mmg tak sedar apa pun sbb tertidur. sblm tu tak kunci jam pun. tepon pula silent. flight jam 8.35pg, kaunter n sistem tutup dlm stgh jam sblm boarding. i dunno if jam 6 tu saya tak terjaga dari tido, and even kalo orang kol pun hp tak kuar bunyi.. i'll missed my flight to KL! arghh..

around 6.45am, jijul came with his room-mate, syazwan. kalo tak silap, anak manager CIMB.. cawangan perlis kot, cuz i learned that he's from Perlis. driving a honda. bile la aku leh ade keter sendiri. huuu.. syazwan hantar kitorang g airport, tunggu sampai kitorang dah check-in. a nice friend of jijul.

my first flight to LCCT KL took around 45 minutes. spjg perjalanan tu jijul tidur. he don't sleep last night. pity him..

sampai kat LCCT sekitar jam 10 pg. duduk2, borak2, jam 11 pas cek jadual flight, kitorang g kaunter untuk check-in. nak dijadikan cerita, setelah menunggu giliran (line pjg gile - musim perayaan la katakan..), sampai kat kaunter, i found out that i'm at the wrong counter. sistem kat kaunter check-in utk flight ke Kota Kinabalu dah tutup pulak tu. means that, i missed the flight!

i don't know why i was so calm at time. juz otak ligat berfikir - what am i going to do now. but i was so calm, like i know everything would be so okay sedangkan time tu genting dah. jijul dah cemas cuba bertanya kat kaunter bout kitorang ni, but he's still look calm.. ops, bukan kitorang. its only me. its my flight 12.50 pm. after asking for some help, the staf there asked us refer kat kaunter 16. untuk pendaftaran lewat or sbrg kecemasan. dgn kata lain, utk kes khas.

mula2, pegawai kat kaunter tu kata dah takleh bantu dah. time tu there's also a girl - juga terlepas flight ke KK jam 12.50 pm. gud news for me (haha) cuz at least i got company. slps pegawai tu ckp tak dpt nak tolong, saya n jijul berdiri tepi kaunter, cuba cari jln len tp sume hampa. the girl was still there. i called my ayah, and as expected, he get angry and frustrated, warning me to deal with it myself since it's my fault. hamba redha. after 10 minutes, the officer silently call us. and the girl - Ivy (found out her name later). the officer explained about what he's going to do (read: help) 'bout our case - which, i really100x thank him for that!

kitorang dbenarkan naik next flight ke Kota Kinabalu without any extracharge. kitorang cepat2 check-in time tu cuz time tu ada masa sejam lg utk flight 2.15 pm. jijul pula pas make sure saya n ivy dah check in, die pla g check in utk flight die g Miri Sarawak jam 3 lbh nti. pas dah masuk balai berlepas kitorang dpt tau flight delay ke 2.50 pm. what a day. everything seems isn't right, n unsmooth. huhu. waktu perjalanan pula cuaca tak ok so flight ada gangguan sket. but Alhamdulillah, by the time pesawat reach the ground and slowly stop dan penumpang dah leh kuar dari pesawat, mmg betul2 lega.. Alhamdulillah!

saya n ivy berpisah d terminal, family masing2 dah tunggu. we promised to add each other at friendster site ;) pas amik bagasi yang sy letak d kargo, terus kuar dan seperti biasa, d keramaian itu, pasti ada wajah ayah tertinjau2. wajah kesayangan hamba. hehe.. walaupun kena marah td kat tepon time sy still kat LCCT, tp bila da sampai ni everything seems normal.

pas berbuka puasa, balik hotel n skrg ni tgh online using my dad's laptop.. updating my life :)

P/S despite all that, i would be still thanking jijul.. for making my day. for his loyar buruk yang buat sy slalu geram. for his comforting smile. for being mine. for being him :)

tips :

1. air-asia just hadkan satu beg ke kargo utk satu pnumpang je skrg ni. for any extra bag, extra payment rm10. lain hal pula kalo overweight. air-asia bg limit sampai 15kg je. hari ini dlm sejarah : kali ni beg sy 11.9kg jer.. slalunya overweight! haha.

2. check-in awal! terutama time2 perayaan. kaunter buka 2jam sblm flight. and please do check jadual penerbangan. ingat betul2 nombor kaunter dan nombor flight sekali.

3. ur mykad. u'll need it everytime. dun misplace it anywhere even if anda tau anda letak ur mykad kat dlm beg. make sure u know where exactly u put it. nti satu hal pula nak cari time mykad tu dperlukan. lg2 kalo hlg. waduhh..

4. jika ada apa2 kecemasan, silalah rajin bertanya dan cepat bertindak. don't be too depending on anybody else ;)

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  1. fina..udah lama x lepak cni..
    just pass by nak ckp yg kite rs kite nampak awk kat airport ritu.. black blouse with jeans and black+white scarf rite? tapi x berkesempatan nak menyapa.. so, dats jijul ea?nway, Slamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

  2. oh my, u really there??
    no wonder feel like ada org perati.
    selamat hari raya.
    maaf zahir dan batin :)

  3. xper!!yg penting kamu selamat sampai...syukur...
