Countdown sebelum ke Sangkar Emas :P

December 26, 2009

20 Disember 2 entri, 21hb 3 entri, 22hb okey fine 1 entri saja, tapi 23hb 3 entri, 24hb 6 entri okey ini pecah rekod @_@, dan semalam 25hb ada dua entri. Prodaktifnya aku akhir-akhir ni. Okey bai.

Eh datang balik.

Pagi tadi I got two notices untuk ambil parcel dekat pejabat pos nanti. And that will make it three parcels altogether. Received the other one earlier. Three parcels?? Banyaknya. Who sent it? Tapi rasanya saya tahu siapa :)

Nak ambil esok tapi I'm afraid that I can't make it tomorrow cuz I need to get up real early tomorrow dengan TAK TIDUR BALIK (haha) sebab masa saya dah ditempah siang nanti sampai malam untuk satu lagi upacara perkahwinan. Insyallah duit masyuk lagi. Bukan untuk persembahan tarian, tapi jadi tukang andam sekejap. Mak andam? Ouh sorry, tiada mak andam di sini. Gadis pengandam yang comel manis saja yang ada di sini. HAHAHA annoying. So ............. about the parcels, I'll need ayah's help or Kili. Itupun kalau mama tak guna kereta esok.

Then, for 28th until ... I don't know, maybe we'll have a little family vacation. We haven't have our family vacation since like 1-2 years ago. Or more. Because I barely can't remember the last time @_@. One night or two but I guess not three and more likely one night only. Ayah dan mama tak sanggup biar rumah tak berpenghuni lama-lama sebab budak-budak suka pecah masuk sini wth. Dulu macam-macam cara dibuat untuk protect rumah ni tapi the kids always manage to find their way. Tinggal tak pasang CCTV or pagar elektrik lagi. Sekarang dah jarang dah rumah kena ceroboh. Dah tak pernah lagi. But still, parents tak betah tinggal rumah lama sangat. Mama maybe already have a talk with ayah. Itupun kebetulan Pipie kena pergi ke Hospital Likas balik untuk review perkembangan pembedahan hari tu.

Sempena the coming so-called-vacation, dah tak boleh jamah nasi sampai habis dah (tiba-tiba teringat dekat Scha :D), or else, I'll not look good in camera bahaha! Okey sampai taknak sentuh nasi langsung? I'm not that extreme.

So yes, vacation dekat-dekat saja. Dekat Kota Kinabalu. It isn't really a vacation anyway, is it? Jalan-jalan saja. Hehe. They say Majlis Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Krismas 2009 will going to be at Kota Kinabalu this time eh? :)

P.s How I wish Boxing Day exist in Malaysia :P
P.s.s I'll be at the campus on 31th December, supposed to be back few days earlier tapi hari tu silap tengok kalendar okey alasan macam lame tapi this is REAL @_@

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  1. hoh..jgn sampai x mkn nasi yunk..kang blum sempat snap gmbr da pengsan..

  2. so far nothing happen in kk, well suria city dah bukak!! not go there house xmas? its gonna be crowded.....well waiting for stompin sabah for santa here.... at kk yet he3...........:P

  3. z@ck,
    eih makan nasi tu satu kewajipan. tak mampu hidup tanpanya. haha

  4. ABdi,
    can't wait pergi kk!!! yeahuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! :D

  5. adoo...suma cita pasal balik campus....kelas stat ari senin ni...huhuhu

  6. cik EPAL,
    jom pusing2 dekat KK. bukan Kuala Kangsar tau :P

  7. ahmad,
    dekat kampus sy, kelas start ahad T_T. mean, esok tapi sy tak balik lagi @_@

  8. Wah .. teringin sgt nak gi KK .. FIna, nnt i turun bleh teman ke?? hihi .

  9. org dah boring dgn kk ni......xtau nak wat pa.........any ideas?wan B muak da..... cp?? ttp mata pon hfl jln......karamunsing? no pc part lg yg rsak.....wisma merdeka? ntgh there.......... mo g tgk wyg kat kilan la best... huhuhu......

  10. tanya^hati,
    amboi suke hati je.


  11. ABdi,
    ala org yg tinggal sana lain ceritalahhh.. :P
