July 02, 2010

Tajuk foto : Kerana ketidaksempurnaan itu kebahagiaan baginya
Model Telefon Bimbit : Sony Ericsson C905
Slogan : Saya suka blog Lensa Buruk kerana header dia cantik, tema hitam putih dan satu lagi, lagu dalam blog dia best .. Lagu Bila Cinta OST Lagenda Budak Setan. Blog-blog fotografi selalu menarik minat saya dalam diam

Saya dengan ini memaklumkan bahawa saya dah mematuhi syarat-syarat penyertaan "Lensa Buruk, The Contest " seperti yang di bawah :

1. Saya seorang warganegara Malaysia. Bukan Korea bukan Jepun bukan China :D

2. Mempunyai blog beralamat di http://sophiesm.blogspot.com di peti surat ececehhh.

3. Dah jadi follower.

4. Banner dah diletakkan di sidebar. Sidebar paling atas lagi  kau. Click banner itu akan terus ke entri berkenaan contest ini oleh penganjur contest.

5. Tema foto, landskap. Photography is one of my subject of interest. Di Facebook saya prefer tengok-tengok album kawan-kawan yang buat part-time modelling or photographer atau yang ada kamera canggih-canggih atau yang ambil tempahan photographer untuk majlis-majlis kahwin. Heh.

6. Foto tidak di-edit secara melampau, harap maklum :D

7. Kamera handphone 8.1 megapixel.

8. Tajuk foto, model telefon bimbit dan slogan telah disertakan di caption foto.
Saya ingin mengetag / rekemen kawan-kawan saya yang 5 orang ini yang berbakat dalam fotografi untuk menyertai ;) (apsalla aku rasa macam formal je aku tulis ni) :
  1. Humaira
  2. Hasif Rahman
  3. Hesty Ramadhyanti
  4. Lyana Omar
  5. Fiza
 9. Dah maklumkan dekat penganjur contest di SINI :)

Okey remember the saying "Just give 100% in everything you do. Even if you didn't achieve it, you know you've done your best and no regrets"? This is what I'm doing here.

Peluang untuk menang mungkin tipis sebab banyak gambar-gambar yang dipertandingkan lebih cantik. Saya tidak pernah belajar apa-apa tentang fotografi but I believe in Ti Anne's opinion about art and photography. She said, "It's not about the camera, it's about how your heart look through it". Simplicity is the greatest adornment of art, and simplicity is what I'm trying to bring through this photo. Ohya, saya ambil gambar ini waktu di Kem Paya Pahlawan Jitra, Kedah pada Januari 2010. Waktu Kursus Pengurusan Organisasi (KPO) JPMDPP yang baru dilantik.

You see, this isn't just a picture, it's the emotion produced upon me. It do means a lot. Waktu saya ambil gambar ni, one word I was thinking was about imperfection. Yap. In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. Papan mungkin tidak tersusun rapat malah ada yang tersasar jauh dari tempat asal. Things might not be in place. Dan warna pun pudar atau dah kotor. But in other perspective, it might look beautiful. As beautiful as what my eyes can see. As a perfectionist as I am, it just suit me, as a human being. The fact that I always believe myself as a perfectionist, sometimes I have to admit and agree that a human being without flaws isn't perfect at all.


Really putting this into heart, didn't I? @_@ LOL.

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  1. Uihh.. dah la tak reti snap gambar cantik2.
    Takpe2.. Will try ;)

  2. AuraFIza,
    haha mcm tu la. sahut cabaran :P

  3. contest menarik dah. Tapi ni wrong timing ni. Akak tgh busy dgn registration skrang ni. Esok nak balik sintok dah. Belum tentu jumpa internet. Agagaga

    anyway, I'll try my very best to complete the tagged ok..!

    miss you sis :)

  4. queenlyana,
    ya i know that's y tak hrp sgt. just in case u're free. hihi. thanks sbb willing. anytime u have time ya, before the contest end lah. haha.

    i miss u too cik raja norliana :)

  5. Ti Anne Mohd Yassin,
    welcome here tie anne dear :')

  6. .s.o.f.i.a.,
    tq yang! u too! ^^

  7. computerextreme02,
    hai kamuuu.. =)
