Tutorial pakai shawl simple tapi cantik

November 18, 2014

Not much to tell. Just to share this picture. Tutorial pakai shawl simple tapi cantik. Posting this for my future reference, to be truth. Nak clear everything yang tidak perlu dari desktop, so I upload dan buat entri. But haven't time to do it myself lagipun banyak masa dekat rumah, baru-baru ni accident dan if anything really happen, it could be fatal *tarik nafas* so more and more reason tidak bawa kereta buat masa ni. Everybody been so busy, so, I just stay at home making myself busy too. 

No heart to see the world. Just gonna stay at home until my next trip. *konon* Padahal hari tu excited juga roadtrip heheh. Okey okey. Jarang-jarang bolehlah. Selalu tidak boleh. Mau save up for coming excitement. :P

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