The shadows.

July 01, 2010

Was so excited (oh apa benda yang aku tak excited (- -"), kan.) sebab dah nampak dah wajah-wajah 12 peserta rancangan realiti TV Astro dekat album FB KeyNote ni. I am about to follow KeyNote on TV sebab Fynn Jamal is in there! Plus, this is something new from Astro. Kalau nak cerita pasal kualiti, jom kita tengok sama-sama konsert dia di Astro Ria channel 104 setiap hari Rabu jam 9 malam. Let's support our own product :)

Saya sedang klik-klik gambar para peserta dekat ruang tamu rumah sambil mulut kecoh cakap eiii kenapa hensem-hensem peserta-peserta dia nii.. HAHA Dana, Kili dan Pipie datang tengok skrin dan Kili cakap ;

"Muka dia macam si S bha sebab tu dia suka tu." 


Saya sebenarnya waktu tu sedang klik-klik randomly dekat album tu, dan kebetulan Kili nampak dekat skrin gambar INI padahal saya takda niat macam yang dia cakap. After dia cakap, saya sentap dan cepat-cepat toleh dan amati betul-betul gambar lelaki yang juga peserta KeyNote. Ya adalah something in common. But not so similar la. About his passion in music, yap memang sama. But S's eyes tak macam tu. Urm well okey his smile adalah juga persamaan sikit...

Urrgh. I don't want to remember it. I don't even want to think about it. Sampai bila aku nak terus ingatkan dia. Tsk.

Remember who's S to me?

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  1. sayang.... sofrie tu ex bf u ker? macam kecewa jer bunyik nyer.. i had my own experince, broke up after 9 years of relationship..... and i still ingat dia sayang dia sampai sekarang, sumpah i do.... tapi life must go on...... dan tak salah sesekali terkenang..... asal jangan sampai merana diri..... ingat, u have friends who love u.....

  2. .s.o.f.i.a.
    yap first love, susah sikit nak lupa. but in whole, i'd get over him, cuma sometimes, mcm ni la. still haven't found anyone else to replace him kan.. hihi. u, lamanye. I 6 thn je tu pun on off. even mcm tu, i know life must go on. i know the fact..

    thanks for the words cik pia, i appreciate it so much :)

  3. i understand perasaan u dear.... he was my first and only love so far..... tapi cheer up!!!! DIA ada untuk kita kan? and kita ada for one another kan??? jom check our fortune cookies untuk hari nie... he he... (bila tengok fortune cookies mesti ingat u... ha ha... u and ur FB fortune cookie)

  4. .s.o.f.i.a.,
    ya. me n my fb fortune cookie. hahaha. best application tu tau tak. even kdg2 mcmtakda kena mgena, tp layan je lah. hahaha ;P tu kira santapan rohani tiap hari.
