The Biggest Loser : Day 2

June 12, 2010

Bangun pagi tadi terus buka laptop untuk cek jawapan untuk inquiry saya dekat salah satu website yang membincangkan tentang penjagaan kesihatan based on rope skipping. Yeay dah ada jawapan, but I'm looking forward for another answer. Soalan saya macam ni :

Hi! I’m 23 years old, 4′9″, 117lbs. Which jump rope routine should I do to lose 12 lbs or more in 30 days? starting from today. i’ve read all those comments above but i would like to know which routine would be suitable for my needs. thanks for your concern! ASAP.
Jack answered :

You see, when jump roping for an hour you can burn from 975-1000 calories, and your calorie diet should be 2000 calories. So jump roping takes half of your calories. Oh and make sure the jump rope is your size by stepping on the rope and pulling up the handles to see where they they reach you. If it reaches your pits, it’s to long, it should reach up to your chest.

Sarapan bihun goreng, dan minum air milo. Lepas ni tak makan lagi dah, but I'm taking my Jusmate. God, lepas start Jusmate, I need to really take care about my daily food intake. Selalu sangat tempted dengan makanan sedap-sedap. Please Fina, please.

Baru tadi, saya jump-roping dengan kiraan 150. I know, 150 tu sikit saja. I just started today so my coordination is still a little off. It's not easy at the beginning, so I want to start off small then build up the amount in every work-out. Jantung beats faster, saya tak berapa sweating but after one minutes habis, eh tiba-tiba sweating. LOL. I guess, fitness saya taklah teruk sangat. Retired dancer, I am. HAHA.

Jump-roping is an excellent exercise, guys! @_@ READ THIS (the comments).

Apa itu World Cup? (Tiba-tiba)

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