Who's Iz?

October 17, 2010

Saya tahu, sepanjang saya berblog, some of you had seen me fell in love with different guy each time. Lebih kepada fall-in-LIKE kot. And yah, saya pernah couple dengan best friend Armin sendiri - Iz. Well, no matter how good I am at being his best girlfriend, Armin still need a best guyfriend kan? Hihi.

Oh Iz's so good looking okey. Saya ingat lagi Armin cakap diorang rapat sebab diorang minat genre muzik yang sama. I know this sounds crazy but yeah I terima Iz sebab I saw my first love in him. I was a broken-hearted girl who even dying to embrace my first love's shadow, what to expect? And guess what, relationship tu (it feels so wrong to even call it a relationship - -") last for less than a week saja. Saya tak suka Iz tetapkan syarat tiap malam nak dinner sama-sama as if I got no friends to hang out with, lepas tu saya pergi mana dia nak ikut as if I need a bodyguard. Saya jumpa cousin perempuan yang kebetulan study dekat U yang sama cuma kolej kediaman saja yang berlainan, dia tak percaya. Dia sensitif sangat sebab saya tak bagitahu dia everything and ke mana saya pergi dan dengan siapa. And, did I mention yang his ex-GF hates me? LOL. Part ni paling lawak sebab not me yang kacau BF dia. Dia yang layan BF dia teruk gila sampai BF dia cari lain. Not my fault, plus I don't care. If I care much then I sepatutnya ingat nama ex-GF dia waktu tu, unfortunately, memang aku tak peduli langsung sampai tak ingat.

Sometimes after we broke up, terserempak dengan dia waktu dekat mall kolej; kolej kami berdekatan jadi dinner mesti terserempak punya, plus we both suka dinner dekat mall. My friends yang tahu about me and Iz, they sometimes ask me to approach Iz. Iz ni sangat pendiam orangnya. He got not much friends. Selalu nampak sedih dan macam sakit. So my friends encouraged me to befriend with Iz, sebab diorang cakap Iz trust me. Iz sanggup buat first move, untuk jadi lebih rapat dengan saya. That's a good sign that he trusted me - at least, he wanted to befriend with me. But I wonder why I never did dan cuma memilih untuk melihat dari jauh saja, di antara lautan orang-orang yang ada waktu itu dan setiap waktu itu. Ohya, he calls me Nana. Tak ramai yang panggil saya dengan panggilan Nana. I don't worry much about him, though. Orang macam dia, senang saja dapat GF. Petik jari saja. I am just one of his ex-GF yang entah apa-apa entah bhahahaaa. Bukti, months later, I saw him with another girl. Lost contact then years after that tercontact balik, he's with another girl. That was my last time seeing him. Lepas tu lost contact macam tu je.

Saja. Tiba-tiba teringat dekat Iz. Sebenarnya teringat Armin, tapi end up buat entri pasal Iz pula since dah lama Iz tak cross my mind :)

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