I'm a fashionist ...

October 28, 2011

.. NOT!

I humbly admit that I am not a fashionist compared to some girls out there. They're gorgeous especially those beautiful hijabbies! I wish I can be just like them. Brilliant match of hijab and dress, jumpsuit, long-skirt, jacket or cardigan, pallazo, pants and tops (name them!). In one word, ridiculously fashionable.

BUT. I do have my own moderated taste, out of million tastes like every other girl do have. Well, lebih suka  pakaian ringkas muka natural adalah salah satu TASTE, yes? Depends individually. Fashion is what you are comfortable in. Jika selesa dengan pakaian dengan kombinasi warna-warna kontra, then go on. Nothing is wrong in fashion.

And ..

Don't be afraid. Be ORIG ...INAL :P

Tidak perlu untuk nampak perfect selalu. And like me, you don't have to HAVE that so-called perfect brows (I don't have those). So-called perfect lips (I don't have those). So-called perfect eyes (I don't have those). So-called perfect nose (I don't have one). So-called perfect chin (I don't have one). Oh and so-called perfect tummy (I am SO do not have one - -"). Yang penting bersih dan kemas. Mekap tak payah tebal sangat, depends pada majlis. Less is better. Well, in some occasion especially night event (most of Tari Kirana show held at late evening), I did make-up myself lebih sikit berbanding biasa, but end up NOT liking the pictures of me with those kind of make-ups grrrrh. My face so ugly with mekap tebal. I prefer natural looking. Dengan bahagian mata dilebihkan sedikit (I got quite a small pair of eyes). If ever I buat make-up tutorial lepas ni (ada bunyi-bunyi hint ada orang nak buat make-up tutorial lepas ni hiks), I would go for natural look.

Which, agak ironi sebab selain menjadi trainer kepada Tari Kirana, saya juga manage semua hal berkaitan Tari Kirana. Saya pegang 100% berkenaan Tari Kirana termasuklah MAKE-UP. And sometimes saya kena panggil jadi pengandam pengantin untuk majlis-majlis kahwin. Biasa sanak saudara lah yang panggil. Belum berapa bersedia jadi bridal make-up artist. Untuk performance environment tu bolehlah. If you ask, yes, I am more to STAGE MAKE-UP.

Dana, my younger sister. One of the dancers. My penari-penari saya tak cukur kening diorang. I leave it as how it is. Brides yang saya pergi mekap pun saya belum lagi pernah cukur kening diorang. Tak berani. Dosa. Hihi. Just sisir saja bagi kemas dan lukis sikit untuk tambah dekat hujung tu.

During Pesta Kubis Sabah 2011. On picture starting from right : Widha, Feezah, & Yours Truly.

One of my dancer took part in beauty and talent pageant in Homestay Mountain Music Festival 2011. Both are my dancers.

So, yes. You know. This kind of make-up.

It may look ..horrible. Atau macam tak siap. I am still learning by the way. Excuse the mess. I am not professional make up artist, not trained by anybody, I'd never took part in beauty course and if it's not because of my passion in traditional dance, probably now I know nothing about make-up except in eyelining hihi.

But, for myself .. 

Simple look. See? Hidung besar, bibir curve tak lawa, gigi tak teratur, kening peliks, dan perlukan bulu mata palsu untuk effect mata besar and actually dagu I ada double chin (- -")

And for my daily look :

With my younger brother. OMG saya yang paling rendah antara adik beradik semua sobs.

There. Enough. BTW saya suka tengok senyuman saya dekat gambar last tu. She's grinninggg awww.. Ah sudah. Puji diri sendiri pula. Lempang kejap lagi.

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  1. m not a fashionist myself tapi who cares!!! as long as we're beautiful at heart kan???? (ayat orang tak cantik nak sedapkan ati sendiri. he he....)

  2. Awak cantek apa Fina, hihi. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  3. cikpia,
    haha. tp bukan smata2 sdpkan hati, mmg betul pun! cntik dlm hati lg pnting :P

  4. Coffee Girl,
    tu la. smua pun cntik kan. biasalah, perempuan n temporary-hallucination bersahabat baik ;P
