Kasut sanding for RM60

January 12, 2013

An affordable wedding shoes, design impian, and the colour is just perfect. Just arrived today. Fiance yang tolong ambilkan. Perkataan pertama keluar waktu dia hantar, dia cakap 'Cantik! Saya sudah buka.' Okey yang part buka tu saya dah agak. Hehe.
Cepat-cepat saya grab kotak, and reopen. Okey, lebih cantik dari yang saya bayangkan. The quality is acceptable, far better than what I expected. I memang tak terlalu harap since kasut ni beli online saja. But turned out? Awesome. I really love this.
Sengaja beli kosong, sebab kalau ada masa, nak diy. Wait and see.

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  1. Ooooo hawt! HOw many inch tu? 6inch?

  2. Teringat kisah 2 thn lps. Gigih membeli kasut tumit tinggi 5 inci utk sanding. End up kna buat spine surgery exactly 1 month b4 d ceremony. So kasut tu sampai hari ni dlm kotak tak berusik. Sama mcm kasut hsntaran. So damn cantik tapi dah lupa sorok kst tu kat ne sbb hati luka x dpt pakai huhuhu
