Bila blogger paling pemalas menulis

January 18, 2014

Sejujurnya sekarang ni rasa dah malas nak blogging memandangkan life terlalu busy bangun awal pagi balik kerja lewat petang I betul-betul tak ada masa nak blogging (ayat tunggang langgang sebab nak emphasize punya pasal). Balik rumah dan settle down, terus merangkak atas katil nak tidur tak pun tengok Runningman tak pun buat kerja. Nak ikut betul, ingat juga ada blog tapi tak ingat by time to time I kena update blog. Eheh macamana boleh lupa? Tapi itulah yang berlaku. Ingat nak biar mati terus. Balik-balik ubah template blog supaya sendiri tak mudah bosan. Tapi tetap tak berkesan. Sekejap saja rajinnya. Lepas tu dah malas balik. Ataupun blank. Ini bukan masalah bosan nampaknya. Tapi ini masalah malas. Masalah nak buang blog tapi tak boleh buang.

Well I like the idea of removing this blog. Padamkan cerita-cerita lama. Malas dah nak mengadap. REMOVE BLOG yeay yeay I like it.

Oh stress. Manalah sampai hati nak buang.


Maybe when I have something awesome to talk about here then I will come back. Or I don't know. I don't even have a point starting this post anyway. My mind is wondering elsewhere during my leisure time like this, like I always do. So much for my new life resolution of being happy. Or any other resolution. I never keep my words. Never trust me. No. Never. Still the same me. Still the same blog. A sad blog. Hence I still keep the audio I put here. 'Andainya Hatiku Bersuara' by Chomel. OR. Maybe this little pieces hope of mine will actually take some more time. Not just an overnight change. Why I always need to hurry things and being so strict over things? Most things in my life I don't understand entirely or is it because I simply do not want to understand?

I'm making a few changes again. One of them, I won't do any blogwalk anymore - if you want to make friend with me just do whatsapp (who cares). Why? I'm quite active n whatsapp now with my customers and friends and family are there. I chat quite a lot when I'm not busy, but jaranglah update status update instagram whatsoever apa lagi blog. Didn't even remember I have one (blog). Seriously I buka blog sebab apa? Sebab nak cek sidebar nak convert matawang asing! Wakakak. Ruang komen I buang buat sementara or maybe forever. My current hallucination want it to be that way. I want. So of course la I can. This blog is always on transition what. Buahaha!

My blog as an open diary, where everyone got to read but never can comment. The ultimate autocracy. Everyone must shut up. The only one who do the talking is me. And actually I am a lil bit embarrassed that you have to comment my entry when you might don't want to - just because I went to your blog and comment then you think you have to. No.. @_@ So now just sit back my dear. Just hear (well, read) what I'm going to say. This blog come out from a long journey and there's still more years to come - as long as I live, I will blog. That's the only promise I can assure you. It would be unfair if I stop now. I still do not have a happy ending I can't back off! Haha. XD

Two more weeks, my life would be completely changed. Jadi surirumah sepenuh masa. Awhh.. So do I have to spend my whole day only at home now? Aku ni bukan rajin keluar pun. Suka duduk dalam rumah. Tapi tak keluar pun boleh panas punggung jugak. Menggelupur nak ke sana sini. So how? Nak fikir pun tak dapat sebab belum lagi pernah melalui jadi seorang housewife. Entah-entah belum sehari dah menggelupur. Haha jentik sikit. Suka fikir negatif sangat. Insya-Allah. Life would be so much organized than before. Yang ni I pasti. Tekanan kurang untuk bahagiakan masa. Err.. Bahagiakan masa apakah. Patut bahagikan masa. Tidak apa ini perkataan baru (cover typo). Bahagiakan masa ikut kamus Fina Sophie adalah dapat membahagikan masa dengan jayanya lalu akhirnya menjadi bahagia. Bukan sekadar membahagi masa lepas tu tetap tunggang langgang hujungnya. Gitu.. Sebab aku selalu begitu. Tunggang langgang.

Menjadi surirumah nanti saya mahu jadi isteri yang paling membahagiakan. Mau belajar masak masakan kegemaran husband. Satu cabaran sebab husband suka makanan simple-simple. Suka nasi sejuk. Simple kan. Macamana nak masak sesuatu yang simple tapi extra sedap. Hah? Kena belajar pelan-pelan. Nak buat macam-macam and almost anything since I didn't have the chance all these while since I am working. Siap multitasking. Dan actually, I am tamak. I want to do all things alone. Semua nak buat sendiri. Ni husband sendiri cakap. Lepas tu bila tak dapat cover semua, bila sakit, sendiri yang susah. Bila fikir, ni pun antara punca stress I ni. Too much stress. Using the brain too much nearly got out of mind.. T___T

There's always a bright side on everything anyway. Okey got to go. Macam selalu. Tengoklah bila kita jumpa lagi. Might be next month. Might be next year. Might be on 2050. Might be tonight since I bought a portawifi XD 


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