JB + USS Trip : New York (Part 5)

April 03, 2014

The end of Hollywood. Lets proceed to New York.

Themed after post-modern New York City that features sidewalks and classic landmarks that mimic its cityscape. The area is enhanced by neon lights and flanked by street facades that set the scenes for big city fun and also real-time movie production for most Hollywood blockbuster films.

Area sini attraction dia show 'Lights! Camera! Action! hosted by Steven Spielberg' dan 'Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase (steel suspended dark ride)'. Kami masuk dua-dua. Yang first tu buat show disaster ribut taufan, kebakaran, banjir semua secara live. Yang line depan kena banyak sikit air dari line belakang tapi not a problem sebab tempias-tempias manja saja. Kami lah tu antaranya yang kena wakaka. 

Next, Sesame Street. Mula-mula Sesame Street tu kami pass sebab macam bosan tapi last-last second round kami masuk. Bolehlah fun-fun gitu lagipun untuk I yang tak suka roller coaster. Sebab ride sini selow melow. Hehe. Sesuailah bawa budak kecil walaupun mungkin diorang tak kenal Sesame Street. Kita-kita yang dah tua ni confirm kenal hiks.

Sini pun ada special Sesame Street character appearances. Elmo, Big Bird, Abby Cadabby, Bert, Ernie, Grover, Cookie Monster (paling ingat dia ni sebab gelojoh makan cookies.. comel betul) and Oscar the Grouch. Tapi satu pun tak jumpa time ni.

Gambar ni ambil dari hujung jalan Madagascar. Belok kanan masuk Hollywood. Jalan terus masuk New York. Kecilnya peta dunia dekat USS kan. Haha.

Ada siap street dance lagi. ME.RI.AH!

Jom masuk

Best tengok structure

Replica of the famous New York Public Library with two lion statues

Next, Sci-fi City dan Ancient Egypt ;)


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