
March 05, 2015

These few days are the days when I really want to curse ikut suka usus.

Ni lah habit yang sukar sangat nak buang. Saya curse banyak but just in real lifelah. Dalam blog tak tulis seketul-seketul. Mungkin kerana life, mungkin kerana selalu dengar, dan mungkin juga cursing with siblings and friends are fun. Yes you heard it right it's fun. I've come to an extend where swears doesn't sound offending anymore, but it's amusing. My life are way too serious so right here, in my blog, writing always give me the opportunity to define my own reality. About who I really am and what makes me happy. Cursing sometimes does the trick. Am I now a mad woman? Insane? Damaged? A what.. Bitch? Care not.

And there's always time when I simply nak tulis new entry and tidak semena-mena 'ter'mula taip dengan perkataan *tettt* atau *tettt* atau *tetttttt*. This is not something to tell about myself really. Well I have nothing good to brag about myself so let's just be honest. Sori blog ni memang tulis bahasa rojak. Kejap Inggeris kejap Bahasa. SPM Bahasa dapat A dan Inggeris dapat B tapi nampaknya saya lebih rela makan keju berbanding belacan.. aik aik?

Padahal dua-dua ngap.

Why people swear.
I don't know about others, but for me?
...just a little thought ;

Someday I will be the survivor, not a slave of victim status anymore

... A victim to a fight I'd never ask. A fight that is not a fair fight. I lost, but there is no shame of losing such fights.

The point is ;
I feel that, life disappointments are harder to take if when I don't know any swear words. EH FOR REAL?? It's just me. Never mind me. I write this I also feel it's stupid but that's the truth T___T


Malam tadi terjaga waktu kucing liar warna hitam (yang selalu berkeliaran sekitar rumah suka mengorat-ngorat kucing ai), masuk melalui tingkap dan sedar-sedar saja makhluk itu sedang rummage macam hapa dalam bilik di area meja mekap. Excuse me?? Tersentuh dan sayu hati ai. Terkecik hati pada kucing itew. Bilik ai macam tong sampah kah atau tongkang pecah kah hingga diperlakukan sebegitu. *nangis emo tepi katil*

"cari bedak sebenarnya hmm"

Ya memang semak very very hazabedah sebab tengah rearrange bilik. But I'm almost done with my room now! Tiada buat apa sangat, just kumpul all the products I bought yang lepas beli terus simpan tidak guna sebab asal beli masuk kotak asal beli masuk kotak gara-gara kehidupan nomad. Lepas tu lupa dah ada beli then pergi beli baru. Selalu macam ni ¬_¬


Sekarang langsir baru dah pasang, almari dah rearrange, barang dah susun, sawang dah buang. Still a handful of work to be done next and OH SH*T IT'S ALREADY 11PM?? @_@ No wonder okey bye laparrr.

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  1. hai..sy singgah sini.

    kemas bilik ehh?..hihi :)

    frm www.syirasophie.blogspot.com
