The 'Mews'. :)

July 08, 2015

Wanna see my desktop picture? Since I'm a cat loverrrr.. ;

Rasa sweet, cute, dan nak gelak saja bila tengok. Because I have the same exact one here acting like a boss, the whole place only for his tiny self. Gewammm HAHAHA hambik dah keluar bahasa baby. Tapi jangan mintak screenshot desktop ai, sebab penuh dengan folder dan file. Sudah kemas, tapi tidak sampai seminggu, semak balik. Kemasnya tiga bulan sekali. Heh.

Okey alright that's all, sleep well and happy puasa!

The better I get to know human, the more I find myself loving animals.
Sometimes in life, the best thing for all that ails you has fur and four legs.

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