September 08, 2008


ye mmg busy lah lately.

[Fina ni bile masenye betul2 tak busy ye tak] haha.. that's why i LOVE cuti final cuz time tu mmg tak perlu fikir ape2 ttg kampus dan all the campuslife things [with some exception].

oh, about broadband. insyALLAH, one of my plan sem depan. nak beli celcom broadband, memandangkan sem ni duit tajaan ayah dah habes dek tiket kapal terbang pergi balik raya. balik raya satu kewajipan yeh! ngehehe..

tiket dah beli dah dan mmg hrganye tersangatlah mahal, terutama time nak balik kedah. thats why ayah kate celcom broadband tangguh dulu.. huu.. my father already have one. my bro yg study kat sarawak pun already have one. well, my bro tu study kat Kuching, which, tiket pergi balik dia ke kuching pun jauh lebih murah berbanding ngan kos pergi balik saya ke kedah. my father said, we have to be equal. saya hormati keputusan itu, dan celcom broadband tu kena hold on dulu lah. can't wait actually :p

second plan, nak g langkawi. i already have someone to deal with about this plan. its me and beatrice yg urus. dah ade ramai dah yg nak ikut tp skrg ni, kena hold lah dulu sbb even final exam pun blm stat lg.

itu utk sem dpn. sem ni?

utk mid-sem ni juz ade 1 paper je. subjek2 yang lain menggunakan markah midsem tu utk buat another assgnment ke. so sem ni, got lots of thing to be done. assignments, reports, weekly presentation, counseling practice, etc.. spent most of the time preparing myself. of cos still ade mase utk online, memandangkan bhn2 pun ade yang kene cari kat internet. but jenguk2 je la.. saya tidak bermaksud utk menyepikan diri dari dunia blog dan friendster dan myspace, but thats juz the way it seems, aren't it?

oh, one thing! to my bro kat sarawak and my sis kat SMASH yg maybe sometimes jenguk kat sini, see u by end of this month! this is it. really can't wait for this - jumpe my family! ngeheee.. to my dad, if u're reading this, i love u so much, thanx for EVERYTHING and u and mama mean the WHOLE WORLD for me. i'm living my good life here, holding to it. thanx for always supporting me in every path that i choose in my life.

talking about choosing my own path, reminding me to a close friend. hey, thanx for calling me a stubborn. sbnrnya dia kata mcm ni.. 'fina ni kite tengok lembut. mmg cara cakap die lembut tp hati die keras. degil. tegas'. jee.. i love it. really do. cuz i am. i will act stubborn when i think i have the right to be stubborn.

and i'm happy. that IS what a friend for me. a friend = tells u who you are. in front of you. without intend to change u.

what else? owh. dua tiga hari lepas.

saya menjenguk ke satu laman web, tujuan cuma satu. mendapatkn khabar berita dari seseorang. dan saya melihat seseorang itu nampak bahagia, dan dia juga seperti bahagia melihat saya bahagia. sy tahu itu some kind of kelegaan bagi dia setelah dibelenggu rasa bersalah menghancurkan hati saya dahulu..

dua rangkap pertama lagu Cool by Gwen Stefani ini buat dia..

It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life...
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right

And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool

mungkin ramadhan kali ini adalah ramadhan paling bermakna buat konflik bertahun2 antara saya dan dia.

that's about my ex-lovelife.
here's about my current lovelife :)

we're moving on and on and on pretty well. we're not juz a couple. we're like a kind of bestfriends. sharing tears and laughters, menerima seadanya diri masing2, dan kisah silam masing2. saya tidak bersedia mengulas lebih lanjut, itu semua kerja Tuhan.

wah. mcm pejelasan artis je. hoho.

anyway. saya bahagia, seadanya.


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