
Blind man sight.

August 12, 2010

I woke up this morning, a bit late. My mum hampir-hampir nak membebel then bila nampak saya dah ada dekat ruang tamu, dia calm down sikit. Ahahaha. Then saya pergi mandi jap lepas tu my mum off balik pergi jaga kedai. Once siap, saya gigih bawa laptop pergi kedai untuk ganti my mum jaga (kedai dekat depan dapur je pun) and there I saw my mum duduk dekat meja kaunter, on the phone dengan mata yang merah. Sekali pandang dah tahu, my mum is crying.

Bila mama selesai bercakap dalam telefon, saya masih berdiri depan mama. Letak laptop atas meja dan ask, WHY?

Mama : Eih apa kau mau tahu, hal orang tua.
Saya : Cakap sajalah, saya bukan budak lagi. Bukannya saya tidak boleh faham.

At that second, I feel like I was so seriously annoyed and rasa sangat grown up bila sedar saya cakap macam tu HAHAHA. Well, why wouldn't I? (- -")

My mum finally told me about one of her siblings. My uncle lah juga. Well, heard the rumors before. Actually dah bukan rumors dah sebab benda betul. Plus, my mum is among the person he turns to waktu saat-saat genting macam ni. Sejak mula timbul masalah tu. But I don't wanna judge anyone. It won't help. Finding who is it to blame just won't help. Biarlah salah di mana-mana pun, we need to find the solution first, right? I believe, the rest of the family members have done their best, I know they've done everything they can do and think. But .. people can always be blinded. They won't see when they close their heart so tight.

Sekarang dah sampai ke kemuncak. Simpati, but sebagai seorang yang tidak wajar untuk campur tangan hal-hal macam ni, cuma boleh memerhati saja. I wonder how would my uncle feel right now.. About his children that still need full support from both of their parents.

Not good. This is not good.

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  1. huhu.. sbar ja la kan Na.. pasal soalan ko 2, aku jawab cn ja..

    haha.. request ah naa..
    dlm buku ni aku blum plak tjumpa..
    tp aunty aku ada try dulu naa..

    mmg bikin tebal n itam ni..bkilat lagi tu
    pakai kelapa parut tuh, dr kelapa ori laa..jgn beli yg d plastik tu..

    pastu ko biarkan d kepala dlm 1 jam g2..baru ko mandi..cuci kpala trus..

    tp kn aku tgk ok ja rmbut ko 2..'hihi

  2. a d r e y n i e e l i s y a,
    bha btul bha? sy buat ni. nmpk ja mcm okey sbb mengcover berabis. kalo buat, dlm sminggu buat brapa kali n kesan dia bleh nmpak brapa lama?

  3. .s.o.f.i.a.,
    aha cikpia ni, saya okey je ;)
