To whom it may concern.

January 14, 2011

Seiring dengan perubahan pada blog ini, sesuatu pada isi-isi blog ini juga bakal berubah, I think. Biasanya, apa-apa yang saya tulis saya pasti letak ia seiring dengan kata hati saya. Tapi mula hari ini, segala bakal berubah. Blog open tu public macam biasa tapi entri berkaitan hati dan perasaan akan ada lebih banyak ditulis private. Sebenarnya dari dahulu lagi dah banyak bunyi-bunyi dari pihak lain tapi aku sengaja pekakkan telinga, butakan mata dan mungkin telah menutup mata hati untuk mungkin mendengar kata-kata mereka. Kini aku rasa sudah tiba masanya untuk aku lebih bersikap tertutup, demi menjaga hati semua pihak. Demi menjaga apa-apa yang perlu dijaga. I am sorry.

To those of you who laughed at me, THANK YOU,
Without you, I wouldn't have cried.

To those of you who just couldn't love me, THANK YOU,
Without you, I wouldn't have know real love.

To those of you who hurt my feelings, THANK YOU,
Without you, I wouldn't have felt them.

To those of you who left me lonely, THANK YOU,
Without you, I wouldn't have discovered myself.

And to those of you who thought I couldn't do it,
It is you I THANK the most,
Because without you I wouldn't have tried!

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  1. sedihnya...
    tapi aku tetap mau jd reader ko fin!!
    harap aku tdk dilupakan...:)

  2. i still love to read ur entries fina.
    no matter what u write :)

  3. farinajaafar,
    btul ba farin aka ina? (hehe). terharu ni.. will not! :)

  4. fara,
    u do? omg thanks fara :') but i know i can be lil annoying smtimes (- -")

  5. i feel so appreciated, thanks. theeheee. but i am still with my decision. nothing to do with any of the readers. it's just me.

  6. wa ya ka ko mo private ka?..via email invite mcm dulu blh kan.. aku pun tiada juga org baca...boleh bilang guna jari tgn ja...tapi aku ss ja kunun la ramai readers...ndakpa,,yg pntg..nnt masa2 akan dtg aku blh baca balik apa yg aku tulis....kan fin kan...

