
'Why men marry bitches' written by Sherry Argov

January 14, 2011

Ni yang aku tulis dekat my FB wall. Yes, it's a book. By Sherry Argov.


When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,
they call me a bitch.
When I stand up for those I love,
they call me a bitch.
When I speak my mind,
think my own thoughts,
or do things my own way,
they call me a bitch.
Being a bitch means that
I am free to be the
wonderful creature that I am,
with all my own intricacies,
contradictions, quirks and beauty.
Being a bitch means
I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way.
It means I won't allow
anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice
and speak up against it,
I am defined as a bitch.
The same thing happens when
I take time for myself instead
of being everyone's maid, or
when I act a little selfish.
I am proud to be a bitch!
It means I have the courage
and strength to allow myself to be
who I truly am and won't become
anyone else's idea of what
they think I "should" be.
I am outspoken, opinionated,
and determined.
By God, I want what I want, and
there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me,
try to douse my inner
flame, try to squash every ounce
of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch,
so be it.
I embrace the title
and am proud to bear it!

Dah pernah post poem ni tapi saya post balik. I didn't write this poem and I don't know who did... but I sure did like it. It just fits.

Jangan rujuk kamus cari BITCH tu apa. BITCH yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah a strong woman who puts her own needs in front of everyone else's needs, who knows what she wants, who is confident, and take control of her own life. That's BITCH. Sugar and spice .. and not always so nice. One of the biggest myths : If you are perfect, beautiful, and rich, you will get the respect and men will be craving for your love.

Okey now I don't know what to believe. Tapi bila fikir balik, heh for the sake of myself, better bitch than good girl yang bertindak ikut apa yang society fikir sebagai model wanita yang sempurna. Bagi aku, selagi kau boleh jadi ibu yang baik untuk bakal anak-anak, boleh jadi inspirasi buat orang lain, mampu menjadi isteri yang jadi tulang belakang suami, dan paling penting stand up for every trial Allah sent you, knows what you're doing, tahu baik buruk, dan tahu yang berhak judge kau hanya Allah SWT, then.. it's nothing wrong to act a bit like a BITCH.

Sebab yang menulis ni pun bitch sikit.

Why am I not always bitching around? Bukan aku nak cakap aku ni strong sebab ada masa aku macam tipikal perempuan juga. Tapi aku ni gurau, gurau kasar sebenarnya. Tapi bila orang gurau kasar dengan aku, tahu pulak nak syahdu-syahdu kan kehkehkeh. Di kalangan kawan-kawan, they know I am so polite, very angelic. But those yang pernah mess with me, tahulah what kind of hell I could put them in. But I am not always rude lah, why rude if you can berlembut. Most of the time MEMANGGG I berlembut dan sebenarnya agak penyabar hehehe, tapi I know how to RAGE, and I do count for payback time.

Just a little bit about me. Jangan takut, I am angelic. Remember? XD

Okey got to go. I have dreams to catch wth HAHAHA.

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  1. mcm best je.
    nak carikkk!!! :)

  2. Nur Nabilla binti Sazali,
    yeke.. sy tak baca lagi actly. hahaa.. international books mahal (like this will make any difference XD). real reason is, tak jumpa lagi buku ni dekat kedai buku. huuu

  3. fara,
    hahaa.. this book will get u into perspective (mcmla dah prnh baca :P)
