Excited lah

December 05, 2014

I've made some fast research last night and figured out Penang indeed has so much to offer! Really my kind of thing lah. Because I love buildings, and arts, and cheap public transportations lol. Kadang-kadang boring juga tau hari-hari tengok view yang sama di sini. My desk facing widely opened window (because I cannot stand a room with insufficient lighting) dan tiap pagi buka laptop I can just look up to have a view of the blue Mount Kinabalu.

Hmm, cakap pasal ni, walaupun Kundasang lebih dekat dengan gunung dan berada di kaki gunung sahaja, dan suhu di Kundasang jauh lebih sejuk berbanding Ranau (Ranau dah macam summer panas dia. humidity at it's best), rasanya I got better view of Gunung Kinabalu from my room in Ranau than the home in Kundasang. But no other place in Sabah can beat Kundasang in term of suhu lah. Gunung Kinabalu itself pernah cecah -1° Celsius at the summit dan Kundasang sendiri can reach 18° - 22° Celcius (and it will get colder to as low as 13° Celcius on the way up to Kinabalu Park or Desa Cattle at Mesilau especially during the night). So musim macam ala-ala summer di Ranau sekitar Jun-Ogos tu, memang lari macam lipas ke Kundasang lah jawapnya haha. Okey cukup pasal Kundasang.

Back to Penang.

 One of the street arts

Hawker's foods must try omaigoddd drool...

The beaches
The hawkers' foods
The street arts
The temples and museum
banyak lagi.

So saya dah buat keputusan! 6D5N alone in Penang wohoo bye! ;)

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  1. omg drool! I miss penang asam laksa, penang seafood, penang rojak, penang char kue tiaw, penang kari me! tunggu lah penang. Anyway hope u enjoy all the food soon! jangan lupa blog gambar ya! :-)

  2. hu3...makan tu memang terbaik...itulah rasa malaysia
