Blog is my drug!

Writing was always my passion

December 13, 2018
As you can see, yes I've changed my blog layout after about 4 years using the same template. Previous one stayed the longest, usually I'll change my blog template every 1-2 years. Still haven't giving up on blogging JUST YET. Blogging is always a part of me. Writing was always my passion. My earliest passion. Then comes Dancing. Comes Traveling. Now, comes Skincare-ing....


Blog is my drug!

17th October 2016

October 17, 2016
My blog header, my profile pictures.. Need to change. Profile picture sebelah ni dari, 2 years ago I think. Haha. Lamanya nda tukar langsung. I still remember I have a blog. Selalu nak update tapi nantilah nantilah sampai berbulan-bulan hampir makan tahun agaknya jika hari ni tidak spontan terbukak blog. Haha. Ni pun sekejap saja, sebab sekejap lagi kena bersiap got dinner date...


Blog is my drug!


May 04, 2015
Saya.. Saya sebenarnya tengah upset. Sebab sebahagian besar saved password untuk entri-entri dalam blog ni HILANG! T______T Sebab saya gune encrypted code, sangat secure tahap kalau penulis entri tu sendiri hilangkan password, memang takkan dapat buka lagi dah. Sayang betul sebab most of my protected entry adalah entri-entri penting dan sangat personal. Must be waktu buang drafts tidak releven beberapa bulan lepas. Okey...


Blog is my drug!


November 16, 2014
In Thailand, white elephants (ช้างเผือก, chang phueak) (also known as Pink Elephants) are sacred and a symbol of royal power; all those discovered are presented to the king (usually this is ceremonial — they are not taken into captivity) and the more white elephants the king has, the greater his standing. (Petikan dari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_%28animal%29) Gajah ini adalah mengundang kegatalan untuk sambung tulis trip...


Blog is my drug!

I am kind of a BIG DEAL on my blog

October 23, 2014
Mood mengidet sesungguhnya masih ada dan marilah kita bersama-sama melihat apa lagi yang si clueless Fina ni gatal mau tambah. So far dia tambah satu lagi sidebar sebelah kiri walaupun sebenarnya lebih suka ada satu sidebar tapi kerana begitu banyak idea itu ini nak share maka mahu tidak mahu tambah saja sidebar itew (itupun lepas try and error guna pengalaman bertahun-tahun guna classic...


Blog is my drug!

'Under construction' is now done.

October 20, 2014
Yeay! Ini kerja semalam. Alhamdulillah try and error dapat juga heheh. Orang lain guna new blogger template saya masih guna classic blogger so edit tu nak taknak kena guna coding. Dulu tiap kali edit blog ambil masa berhari-hari now senang sikit, sebab dah agak biasa. Dulu tu bila? Sejak mula blogging okey. Heh. What to do, I love Classic Blogger!  Dulu ada 1...


Blog is my drug!

Blog Planner!

October 16, 2014
Aku bukan blogger famous. This blog is famous only in my heart. (- -') Sesungguhnya aku tidak ingat di mana aku menjumpai ini. Sekitar awal tahun telah mengoogle dan google dan tiba-tiba ada. Heheh *gelak tak memasal* Tapi kalau google 'weekly blog planner' confirm jumpa dan ada banyak lagi pilihan. Untuk template ni saya ada printable version. Bawah ni screenshot saja, but yes...


Blog is my drug!

Hutang entri.

August 27, 2014
What you say??! And it's been two months and I haven't share anything to you (blog) yet about my trip to Northern Malaysia and Southern Thailand last June, but now already preparing for my trip to Indonesia end of next month. Bukan masa yang berlalu sangat cepat, tapi saya yang bertangguh-tangguh. I feel so sorry now ; I blame myself for abandoning this...


Blog is my drug!

Goodbye Blog, NOT.

August 26, 2014
Last post was on June. Hek eleh. Baru 2 bulan. Apa pasal tidak 5 tahun baru muncul. Hehe. Hampir lagi blog ni dah tak wujud. Separuh-separuh macam nak stop tapi, sayang sangat, after years dan banyak kenangan diabadikan, takkan nak stop sekarang. Walaupun I only write craps, yeah why stop... *tanya diri sendiri* Tiada yang menarik sangat untuk dikongsikan. Cuma bila blog 'hilang...


Blog is my drug!

Google Friend Connect in Classic Blogger. Did it!

November 22, 2013
Merujuk entri ini : Dear bloggers, pretty please? Harapnya kali ni saya buat dengan betul. Kinda funny after 5 years using Classic Blogger template, suddenly I got way to apply this widget here. I thought it's only applicable in advanced New Blogger layout : If this REALLY works, I'm brilliant! Feel free. If there's anything wrong again, please please PLEASE do tell me...


Blog is my drug!

Dear bloggers, Pretty please?

November 22, 2013
Can some you please be a darling and do me some favor? Thing is, I just figured out that some of my friends did clicked my follow button up there but weird cuz it didn't actually work the way it should. Or the way it seems. My feeds did not appear on her blogger dashboard and my total amount of follower didn't change....


Blog is my drug!

Segmen Blogwalking & Follow by YAYA

November 20, 2013
Note :  Sponsored Post ASSALAMUALAIKUM "Segmen Blogwalking & Follow by YAYA" Syarat-syarat segmen mudah maybe hehehe.. Follow blog YAYA bagi yang masih tak follow Follow twitter YAYA, dijamin followback *tak ada tak apa* Follow @nadia_nfi Tajuk post : Segmen Blogwalking & Follow by YAYA segmen sehingga bulan JANUARI 2014 ...