
May 02, 2011

Dah delete dari sidebar blog ini.

It's been a week.. A tough week after three most magical months he gave me. Still, please keep this on mind, please. Don't tell me how to act. Don't tell me how to be professional. Don't tell me to take this as easy as you do. I had enough of it just on my own. I am the one who suffer. Not you. I just need others' understanding. Not to be treated like a little girl who knows nothing about life. I am okey. But my heart is still recovering from the wounds of bitter broke up. STILL RECOVERING. Doesn't mean I don't know what to do. Okey? Full stop.

Ada yang bertanya di inbox Facebook. Sebab diorang cakap kenapa jadi macam tu, padahal selama ni kami nampak bahagia.. I don't know why, but it do hurt me. But nevermind that. Biasalah tu. Mesti diorang nak tahu apa yang terjadi kan. Here I am, I have the strength to face it all. I have Allah SWT who will catch every drop of my tears. Saya tidak kesal kehilangan dia. Orang-orang terdekat ramai yang banyak membantu saya membuka mata dan hati. After this broke up, I started seeing him in a whole new perspective. Now I can't believe how blinded I was.. But that is what we call EXPERIENCE, ait..?

Moga dia bahagia dengan pilihan dia. Mungkin orang lain tidak percaya dengan keputusan dia, tapi harapnya dia bersedia untuk berubah. Ambil ketidak-yakinan orang terhadap dia tu sebagai cabaran untuk dia terus pertahankan perkahwinan dia nanti. Jika sebelum perkahwinan dia tega lukakan hati ramai orang untuk bersama wanita tu, harapnya lepas ni dia tak buat yang sama untuk bersama dengan perempuan lain. Cukuplah apa yang jadi.

Dia tetap bahagia yang saya pernah jumpa. Cuma cukuplah saya bersedih. It's time to move on. Saya sememangnya boleh berbahagia walaupun tanpa dia.

P.s Find me on Facebook. Fina Sophie. :D

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  1. i know you're strong. and i know now you're already to fight again. go girl! :)

  2. tuhan ada perancangan yang lebih baik untuk u fina. be strong =)

  3. Been there too. Hang on in there girl. It's a wiiideeeee world out there, but just know this. You are not alone. If we can pull thru, so can you. :-)

  4. d'goin over,
    oh i am so ready! =)

  5. [z@ck],
    yeap, itu juga antara perkara yg sy slalu ckp dekat diri sndri, zack. thanks so much dear.

  6. Coffee Girl,
    sesungguhnya Tuhan telah menguatkan hati sy dgn mengirimkan sy mereka2 yg pernah mengalami keadaan yg sama seperti sy. alhamdulillah. sy tdk prnh merasa terlalu keseorangan sehingga saat ini. thanks for understanding :)

  7. Miss Kira,
    i am, miss kira. thanks :)
